Now Carry the Latest Mosaic Glass Tray, One of a Kind - Deep Blue Sea Theme - 7.5" X 7.5"
With this day and age when there are many of these Mosaic Glass Tray, One of a Kind - Deep Blue Sea Theme - 7.5" X 7.5" on the market, nothing is greater than being in position to own something which is built from a name brand that you simply know and trust. When you shop around you are sure to come by a number of these items that produce claims which they just can't keep. While this is discouraging, it is nothing uncommon since imitation is always the most sincere form of flattery.
Although Curious Designs is probably not the original Curious Designs of the Mosaic Glass Tray, One of a Kind - Deep Blue Sea Theme - 7.5" X 7.5" what we did is used a good idea and made it into a fantastic product that will offer numerous years of excellent services. The primary model captivated numerous buyers since it was created to the highest standards of quality. We've carried on this tradition to bring you our very most up-to-date version of our tried as well as dependable item.
Something we're also sure of is you are going to find that around this price, you aren't likely to find a superior Mosaic Glass Tray, One of a Kind - Deep Blue Sea Theme - 7.5" X 7.5" anyplace. To make certain that you are truly going to get legitimate value for the money Curious Designs has provided quite a few great characteristics that are certain to make this amongst the merchandise you have been able to find in many years. We are certain that you can expect to feel like you are getting actual worth for the money when you realize all the additional details We've built into our most modern model to make your life better.
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Beautiful multiple color, hand painted Balinese mosaic glass tray. Many home décor or other practical uses. Reminiscent of stained glass work. Sturdy, well made of ceramic and glass. More sizes and color themes available.
- Approx 7.5" x 7.5", height is 1.5". Stable base.
- Hand painted glass tiles set in ceramic.
- Decorative use only - not for food service
- Free shipping over .00.
- Please see our jewelry, bead and apparel lines!