Currently Offer the most recent Mosaic Glass Tray, One of a Kind - Festival Theme - 11.5" X 5" From manufacturer
It is with great satisfaction which we are going to publicize the fact that we now carry the most recent Mosaic Glass Tray, One of a Kind - Festival Theme - 11.5" X 5" available from manufacturer. Even though there are many styles exactly like it, you are likely to see that none are sure to provide you with as much bang for your buck as this latest type through such a highly regarded business. Only if you obtain a highly advised model exactly like it are you going to feel that your hard earned dollars has been well spent.
So, what is it relating to this specific Mosaic Glass Tray, One of a Kind - Festival Theme - 11.5" X 5" that puts this in a class of its own? In this particular case you are likely to see that coming from such a well-known designer ensures that you might be getting a merchandise that has a reputation for high quality items. Other copy cats appear and disappear leaving a trail of disappointed consumers, when you get one created by manufacturer, you know you are able to depend on constantly obtaining the top quality item offered.
Not simply are we content to be ready to include the Mosaic Glass Tray, One of a Kind - Festival Theme - 11.5" X 5" to our inventory of great items, but we're thrilled to have the ability to provide it to you at such a great reduced price. You may well be able to find this product elsewhere, but you're not going to get them at the extremely reduced price we've got the item available for thanks to our unique buying power. With a price that is this reduced, you will get a fantastic product and true value for your money.
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Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Beautiful multiple color, hand painted Balinese mosaic glass tray. Many home décor or other practical uses. Reminiscent of stained glass work. Sturdy, well made of ceramic and glass. More sizes and color themes available.
- Approx 11.5" x 5", height is 1.5". Stable base.
- Hand painted glass tiles set in ceramic.
- Decorative use only - not for food service
- Free shipping over .00.
- Please see our jewelry, bead and apparel lines!
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