Have the Perfect Mosaic Glass Tray, One of a Kind - Fire Sky Theme - 11.5" X 5" For You
It may be that simple to check out an innovative Mosaic Glass Tray, One of a Kind - Fire Sky Theme - 11.5" X 5" and put it off as the next merchandise that is the same as most of the other brands available, particularly if there are numerous variations currently available. Besides having a big assortment usually make it tough for the shopper to settle on what design to shop for, it means that being a manufacturer we need to continue to work harder to create a merchandise that is much better than many of the rest of them available.
Trying to keep this in your mind, manufacturer has determined we should not purely create one more copy of the goods that seem to be on the market. As an alternative what we wished to perform is provide you with the ultimate Mosaic Glass Tray, One of a Kind - Fire Sky Theme - 11.5" X 5". Our investigation group investigated what was currently being designed and then considered that which you really wanted in this style of ware before they even started to draw out the earliest design. Their only aim was to offer you a product that was unlike any you have ever seen.
Our company is over joyed to be capable to state that what they invented will be the highest quality Mosaic Glass Tray, One of a Kind - Fire Sky Theme - 11.5" X 5" currently available. We've integrated all of the capabilities you have been hoping to see for decades after which incorporated some of our own extra individual details that we are confident you can find cause our newest ware definitely worth the exceptionally affordable price we are requesting for it.
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Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Beautiful multiple color, hand painted Balinese mosaic glass tray. Many home décor or other practical uses. Reminiscent of stained glass work. Sturdy, well made of ceramic and glass. More sizes and color themes available.
- Approx 11.5" x 5", height is 1.5". Stable base.
- Hand painted glass tiles set in ceramic.
- Decorative use only - not for food service
- Free shipping over .00.
- Please see our jewelry, bead and apparel lines!
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