Are certain You Are Going To Be Enthusiastic About Our Most recent Mosaic Glass Tray, One of a Kind - Fire Theme - 8" X 4"
Although there are several items similar to our most recent Mosaic Glass Tray, One of a Kind - Fire Theme - 8" X 4" presently in the marketplace, we known that none have ever had the features we have built in ours. The concept guiding our latest product is that instead of providing you with yet another common product which does not do quite what it's promoted as doing, we wanted to supply you with a product which moved a long way further than this.
The thought guiding every new product isn't to simply produce yet another edition of the same ones that are presently available, nobody wants that and also you will find a lot of corporations already doing this. At manufacturer we attempted to actually redesign the Mosaic Glass Tray, One of a Kind - Fire Theme - 8" X 4". Our engineers returned to the drawing board and began from the start. We checked out what our first product had then attempted to create it better.
Simply by being attentive to what our consumers had to say as to what they preferred as well as did not prefer about the other Mosaic Glass Tray, One of a Kind - Fire Theme - 8" X 4" in the marketplace, we labored hard to include each of the capabilities you have been looking for in our most current product. With all of these extras plus some extra nice little touches that we included we Are certain that you are likely to be absolutely thrilled with this our most current offering. To be able to make the bargain even better we're delivering it to you at a extremely lower promotional value which gives you real bang for your buck.
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Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Beautiful multiple color, hand painted Balinese mosaic glass tray. Many home décor or other practical uses. Reminiscent of stained glass work. Sturdy, well made of ceramic and glass. More sizes and color themes available.
- Approx 8" x 4", height is 1.5". Stable base.
- Hand painted glass tiles set in ceramic.
- Decorative use only - not for food service
- Free shipping over .00.
- Please see our jewelry, bead and apparel lines!
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